RSC-Rated Residential Burglary Safe

RSC-Rated Residential Burglary Safe

The UL RSC safe series is the ideal safe for discreet residential security. The safe can be hidden easily and also provides 1 hour fire protection. This safe features a shelf inside the unit and is ideal to store personal sensitive belongings such as passports and jewelry. This safe is a great solution for those in need of a reliable and discreet safe.

Insurance Coverage: $25,000-$30,000


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Available Sizes

16" H x 20" W x 20 ⅛" D 355 lbs, 20" H x 16" W x 20 ⅛" D 355 lbs, 24" H x 16" W x 20 ⅛" D 380 lbs, 28" H x 20" W x 20 ⅛" D 490 lbs, 40" H x 20" W x 20 ⅛" D 690 lbs, 59" H x 24" W x 26 ¾" D 1220 lbs


Gray, Beige, Black